XXX AIDI Summer School "Francesco Turco"
- 10-12 SEPTEMBER 2025
- Lecce, Italy
Designing and managing sustainable and human-centric
industrial and service systems
Welcome Note
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the XXX edition of the AIDI Summer School Francesco
Turco, which will be held in Lecce in September 2025, 10th – 12th, organized by the Department of Innovation Engineering of the University of Salento, jointly with AIDI.
The objective of the Summer School is to enhance collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers from different academic contexts, while contributing to build a sense of belonging to the scientific sector of Industrial Systems Engineering (ING-IND/17) through scientific and social activities.
With this aim, the main theme of this edition will be “Designing and managing sustainable and human-centric industrial and service systems”, focusing on some of the trends that currently characterize and influence research in industrial and service systems. We welcome contributions on any aspect of the topics related to research on industrial systems engineering.
The social program will be also an important part of this event, allowing the attendees the opportunity for networking, while also experiencing the beauty of Salento through its mesmerizing landscape, its delicious cuisine and its unique cultural heritage.
We look forward to welcome all of you to the XXX edition of the Summer School!
Best wishes
The organizing committee