2024 edition
XXIX AIDI Summer School "Francesco Turco"

Sustainability and resilience in industrial systems across the era of digitalization

Welcome Note

Dear colleagues and friends,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the XXIX edition of the AIDI Summer School Francesco Turco, which will be held in Otranto in September 2024, 11 st -13 rd , organized by the Department of Innovation Engineering of the University of Salento, jointly with AIDI.

The objective of the Summer School is to enhance collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers from different academic contexts, while contributing to build a sense of belonging to the scientific sector of Industrial Systems Engineering (ING-IND/17) through scientific and social activities.

With this aim, the main theme of this edition will be “Sustainability and resilience in industrial systems across the era of digitalization”, focusing on some of the trends that currently characterize and influence research in industrial systems. We welcome contributions on any aspect of the topics related to research on industrial systems engineering.

The social program will be also an important part of this event, allowing the attendees the opportunity for networking, while also experiencing the beauty of Salento through its fascinating landscape, its delicious cuisine and its unique cultural heritage.

We look forward to welcome you to the XXIX edition of the Summer School!

Best wishes,
The organizing committee


Prof. Maria Grazia Gnoni, Università del Salento (General Chair)
Prof. Fabiana Tornese, Università del Salento (Co-Chair)
Prof. Alessandra Cantini, Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Mario Caterino, Università di Salerno
Prof. Antonio Cimino, Università del salento
Prof. Filippo De Carlo, Università di Firenze
Prof. Fabio De Felice, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Prof. Valentina De Pasquale, Università di Salerno
Prof. Marcello Fera, Università degli studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Prof. Fabio Fruggiero, Università della Basilicata
Prof. Raffaele Iannone, Università di Salerno
Prof. Francesco Longo, Università della Calabria
Prof. Giada La Scalia, Università di Palermo
Prof. Salvatore Miranda, Università di Salerno
Prof. Antonella Petrillo, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Prof. Massimiliano Schiraldi, Università di Tor Vergata
Prof. Giulio Paolo Agnusdei, “Alma Mater” Università di Bologna

Local organizing committee

Maria Grazia Gnoni
, Università del Salento
Fabiana Tornese, Università del Salento
Antonio Cimino, Università del Salento

Program 2024 edition