We welcome submissions of papers about all topics of the Summer School 2025, which include, but are not limited to:
- Analysis and sustainable design of goods and services production systems
- Manufacturing processes and technologies study and design
- Manufacturing systems ergonomics and safety
- Operations management
- Asset management, facility management, and product-service systems management
- Resilience engineering
- Industrial logistics and supply chain management
- Sustainability and circularity of industrial systems
- Automation and digital transformation of manufacturing systems
- Education in industrial and systems engineering
- Uncertainty and risk management in industrial system engineering
All submissions will be double-blind reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance, and clarity. Accepted scientific contributions will be presented and discussed as oral presentations.
The papers accepted and presented at the School contributions will be published in the Summer School Web Proceedings (ISSN 2283-8996), which will be indexed in Scopus.
Important deadlines:
- Abstract submission: February 28th , 2025.
- Notification of acceptance of the abstract: March 6th , 2025.
- Full paper submission: April 17th , 2025.
- Notification of reviews: May 8th , 2025.
- Revised full paper submission: May 31st , 2025
Submission Details:
Abstract and Papers have to be written in English and submitted online by clicking on this link.
Abstract should be submitted as ONE Word file (no pdf) through the Conftool Software.
Any submission that does not follow the template (downloadable below) will not be accepted.
The submissions will be evaluated jointly by members of the scientific committee and reviewers.
For the first full paper submission, please, remember to submit an anonymous version of your manuscript (i.e. no authors’ name and affiliation), to guarantee a proper blind-review, using the summer school’s template for your paper.
For the revised full paper submission, please include authors’ details and provide a camera-ready version of the paper.